August 8th Prophetic Word: 8th generational wealth access- land, property settelement.
“Certain doors that were closed for generations will open on the 8th of August, 2024. You will be given generational keys that no one in your bloodline was able to access,” I hear the Spirit of The Lord say tonight or today (Saturday 03.August, 2024) from wherever you are accessing this Word from.
God showed me the key number 8 and a letter box number 88
Last month July, 2024, I was led to a certain location and I was given a key to “access room number 8.” It was at that moment that the Lord began speaking to me about the eighth month and the significant shifts that would take place. I was prompted to take a photo of the key in the door (published here).
As I went back to my gallery today, The Lord began to show me the key again and put this in my spirit that “8th of 8th”. I remember also earlier this year. I was led to a certain location and I saw the number 88 on the letter box of a house in a prominent city .
8th Generational Wealth Transfer and Activation
The Spirit of the LORD impressed upon my heart “double rest and double new beginnings.” This, He showed me, from a house. That means, all doors that were closed in real estate and property will now be opened to many people across Nations, including myself . Generational wealth that were held back for eight (8) generations will now be released, I prophecy.
When God shows you certain things : testimony
In one of my blogs, I shared about “What Do You See” we talked about the power to see accurately and interpret it back to God.
When God shows you something, and begins to impress upon your heart about certain things, journal them, but also prophecy into what He shows you. And so, I did just that when he showed me 88 and then the “number 8 key” on the door. I prophecied that there will be siginifcant shifts in my life and of those who were connected to me. Today, I got a report from one of my friends that he would be shifting into a new house on 8th of August, 2024 (8.8.2024). How good is this God of Generations ! His Name is Jehovah Jireh, our provider.
8th Generational Doors shall open in August 2024: JESUS is Attorney
The Matrix 8 is a very significant prophetic number that carries new beginnings and new anointing levels. I prophecy that every door that has been shut for eight (8) generations in your bloodline shall now begin to open and give you “access” into divine treasury portals and the hidden treasures of secret wealth.
Some of you are struggling with land and property issues and fights for over many generations. Generational doors were shut for generations due to certain portals and anointing levels not being activated and prophesied upon. They were also closed due to generational bloodline issues of spiritual legal issues. But, JESUS is Attorney in the courtroom of Heaven and Lord over this Kingdom. He settles every generational issues and altars that speak against your possession in August 2024.
I prophecy over your life that the month of August will not bypass you. Everything you desired for and could not see a way through or out of it shall be activated. You shall “perceive, conceive and receive” all that is designed for your destiny, your children, marriage, family and bloodline,
And I hear the Lord say “Double doors are opening and the wealth of the dark places and the deep secret places shall be transferred to you. Activate your key by prayer, fasting and faith in me. The 8th of August is a significant day on my calendar where certain paradigm shifts are taking place in your life,” I heard the LORD say.
Bible Reference Isaiah 45: 1-3 (NKJV)
“Thus says the Lord to His anointed, To Cyrus, whose right hand I have [a]held—
To subdue nations before him And loose the armor of kings,To open before him the double doors,
So that the gates will not be shut:
2 ‘I will go before you And[b] make the [c]crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze And cut the bars of iron. 3 I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the Lord, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel.